Tanya Lyons /?output=FEED&user_id=81865&about=1&r=4 en Tanya Lyons Thu, 11 Apr 2013 09:53:31 +0100 https://goe.ac/eft_case_story_an_energy_vacuum.htm EFT Case Story: An Energy Vacuum https://goe.ac/eft_case_story_an_energy_vacuum.htm?r=100 <p>In this case story, new GoE EFT Master Practitioner Tanya Lyons tells of a client that came to her suffering from a variety of symptoms that had left them emaciated, both physically and emotionally. As they begin to work together Tanya begins to feel an energetic vacuum that seems to be draining all his energy and strength.</p> <p><em><strong>Tanya writes</strong></em>: Before I met my client I wanted to feel that I was in a good and positive state to work with him, so I tapped on 'positive energy, open awareness, love and acceptance' I felt really motivated and ready to work with my client (high on the SUE scale).</p> <p>My client entered the room, I was quite taken aback by how undernourished and emaciated that he looked, his cheekbones protruded on his face and he looked like he had been starved. His skin was ghostly pale and his eyes were sunk into his face...</p> Mon, 08 Apr 2013 00:00:00 +0100 certification-81865-eft_master_practitioner Energy EFT Master Practitioner https://goe.ac/courses/eft_master_practitioner.htm BIG +10 congratulations to Tanya Lyons for completing Energy EFT Master Practitioner with GoE trainer Silvia Hartmann! Mon, 24 Sep 2012 16:41:14 +0100 https://goe.ac/energy_healing_for_psychosomatic_pain.htm EFT Case Story: Energy Healing for Psychosomatic Pain https://goe.ac/energy_healing_for_psychosomatic_pain.htm?r=100 <p><em><strong>Tanya Lyons, an EFT Master Practitioner student currently studying the distance learning coruse, writes:</strong></em> My client came with an issue of having a frozen shoulder. She has regular steroid injections for the pain. She had good days and bad days with the pain and she has just learned to live with it!</p> <p>I explained the theory behind EFT with the notion that there could be an emotional component to the experienced pain and by treating physical pain with EFT, we are healing the energy body level of the problem and we are "taking out" the psychosomatic pain component.</p> <p>I didn't confess to be able to cure the problem but to simply see what happened. My client looked rather intrigued and curious at what may happen.</p> Tue, 10 Jul 2012 15:16:24 +0100 https://goe.ac/eft_case_story_relief.htm EFT Case Story: Relief https://goe.ac/eft_case_story_relief.htm?r=100 <p><em><strong>Tanya Lyons</strong>, currently taking the <a href="https://goe.ac/courses/eft_masters_course.htm">EFT Master Practitioner Distance Learning Course</a>, completed the following case study during Unit 4. </em></p> <p><em>Tanya writes:</em> My client looked undernourished with stick thin legs and arms, his cheekbones protruded on his face and he did not look healthy. He seemed a little nervous and he kind of shuffled along the floor, without really taking proper steps forward. He smiled overtly and nervously laughed a little and I got the sense he was trying to cover some of his feelings up. I felt a lot of sadness around him. It was as if he was holding onto something, pretending to me that outwardly he was fine, but my intuition was telling me something different.</p>